Smart Yacht Automation

When you’re surrounded by the sea miles from land, you need reliable and easy-to-use technology that everyone on board understands. Enjoy dinner and drinks with high-quality audio, starry nights with your favorite movies, and dependable internet for any information you need.


smart technology installations to our clients. Whether you have a 30-foot  or  super yacht, there’s no better partner for your vessel’s entertainment, sound, surveillance, networking wifi, internet4g or 5g , internet satellite


Just like a smart home, you can control all your yacht’s speakers, displays, lighting and shading control, and more right from your smartphone. Our team of system architects, technicians, and programmers works with beloved automation  for an intuitive user experience.


Ready to head out on the waves with modern, upgraded technology? Explore our yacht AV services.

Smart Technology & Control Systems

In one press of a button, you can manage your yacht’s lighting, shading, audio, video, and security from your smart control system.

we can transform any sized boat to function just as intuitively as a smart home. Days at sea should be as relaxing as possible, so why fiddle with several remotes or smartphone apps to manage your technology? Bring it all under one umbrella with a smart marine system.


By integrating all of your devices, you can set the mood on board for any time of day in an instant. Change the hue of the lights, raise the shades, and start a party playlist all at once. At home and want to check in on your boat? View surveillance footage and receive activity alerts right to your phone.


Smart living isn’t only for on land. We can bring all of our smart technology solutions to your ‘home’ on the Atlantic.

Network & Wi-Fi4,5,6

It sounds lovely to disconnect from social media and enjoy your family’s company. But what if you’re at sea for days, weeks, or even months? You’re going to need internet.

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There are many ways to bring a reliable wireless network onboard. If you’re in a marina, land-based Wi-Fi with a well-constructed network and bridges will do the job. But once you depart for sea, you’ll lose connection. Internet via cell service with marine hotspots can supply connection on the water, but it will only work until you’re about five to ten miles offshore.


A satellite communication system will provide internet almost anywhere you take your yacht. We install equipment and antennas that are adapted for moving, oceangoing vessels so you can browse the web, search weather information, and call friends back home.


By adding higher bandwidth to your network, you can use more data to download files and even stream TV. Depending on your needs, we’ll help find a networking system that suits your family’s lifestyle and internet usage.

Satellite TV, Internet & Phone Systems for Boats

For communications offshore, reliable performance is imperative. From marine digital TV antennas to internet and phone systems, Stereo Types offers a number of reliable solutions to fit any sized vessel.

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At home, an interruption in TV, phone, and internet service is a mild source of aggravation. But on the water, a failure of your digital TV antenna or V-Sat systems may not just be a nuisance—it could be a matter of life and death.


When faced with peoples’ lives, we never approach engineering to save money. Much like you wouldn’t ask your heart surgeon to use cheap valves, you wouldn’t ask us to put you or your passengers at risk.


We install durable satellite domes that are watertight and impervious to salty air. The best gyroscope technology ensures your vessel maintains a solid connection to your phone and TV provider, regardless of how rough the water may be. Our satellite and digital antenna systems are built to withstand the most extreme nautical situations.


Still, it doesn’t matter how rock-solid your electronics are when your service providers don’t offer enough bandwidth for your devices. That’s why we share up-to-date information about the service providers we trust with our lives.

Audio, Video & Media Systems in the Boat

Yachting is all about memorable experiences.  There is no better way to set the mood on board than playing the right music or video content.

In the world of high-tech systems, finding the perfect balance of performance, reliability, and ease of use is no easy task. This is why Stereo Types should be your only call for installing or upgrading your yacht AV services with marine speakers and screens.

Whether you’re playing oldies rock or hip hop, bask in your favorite tunes on the sea with high-end speakers by brands like Sony, JL Audio, and Bowers & Wilkens.

Media storage lets you take your favorite movies and musicians far out to sea where streaming doesn’t reach, so you’ll always have a library of content ready to enjoy. We install Kaleidoscope, DirecTV, and custom-built systems by Plex for your locally stored entertainment.

In fact, installing high-end systems on mega-yachts is how Stereo Types’ Sr. Systems Engineer and co-owner, Chad Shell, got started with audio, video, and automation systems. Today, we have expanded from boats to entire homes and businesses.

Installation Services and Support for all automation

If you’ve been in a hairy situation on the water, you know the failure of a marine satellite TV, sound system, or satellite phone isn’t just an annoying inconvenience.

In the event of a system failure on your yacht, we’re not just talking about an annoyance—lives may be at stake.

While electronic reliability should always be a concern, in reality, installation-related problems are often the culprit of a system failure.

Corroded wires and connectors, exposure to water, improper device mounting, cables snapping due to improper tensioning loops, and more can lead to technology malfunctions. With the proper steps during installation and routine maintenance afterward, these issues are entirely avoidable.

To install electronics in private planes, boats, and yachts, we understand the stakes are much higher than anywhere else. No matter if it’s a tower speaker on your fishing boat or a  touch-panel on your super yacht, Seven Automation’ ongoing client care programs are all about keeping you, your family, and your guests entertained and safe on the water.